We are currently accepting student applications!
Please call (831) 582-9820 or email info@lflcs.org for application forms and to schedule an orientation meeting with our school director.
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We regularly hold public drawings, from applications submitted prior to the drawing day, to create a wait-list of students. We will offer applicants the opportunity to enroll as spaces become available, starting with the first name on the wait-list and working downward.
We prioritize the enrollment of high-risk students. These are students who are or have been:
- Expelled
- Suspended more than 10 days in a school year
- Wards of the Court
- Pregnant and/or parenting
- Dropouts
- Habitual truants
- Retained more than once in kindergarten through grade 8
- Credit deficient
- Not currently enrolled, for the past 45 days or more
- Changing schools frequently
- Foster Youth
- Homeless Youth
Information regarding the application process:
- Attend an orientation meeting; please call or email the school to make an appointment.
- Fill out a student application/registration form.
- Provide proof of vaccination (if any).
- Provide proof of the student's age (birth certificate, passport, or other document).