Welcome to Learning for Life Charter School

Our school was founded in 2001, with the mission of enabling students in grades 7--12 who had dropped out or were at risk of dropping out of traditional schools to become motivated again to learn, to develop a desire to complete their education, and to earn a high school diploma.

Since 2014, LFLCS has been reinventing itself, and now includes a digital learning environment that supports students who are also college-bound. We are accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

We help all our students become educated for the 21st century. They become scholars, healthy human beings, community members, citizens of the world, and participants in a technological society. Learning for Life Charter School has open enrollment for the Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz school districts.

Kenneth Lawrence-Emanuel leads our staff in bringing to life the vision of our Board of Directors: inspiring students to thrive on their life-long learning paths. At LFLCS, positive relationships with students are the first priority. Once we have allied with students, we can better help organize their efforts and achieve their potential.

At LFLCs, we use our resources to lay a solid foundation for 21st-century learning and to help remove barriers to success. Every student is provided access to our technological and human resources. Our staff, available on site every day, includes front office support, tutors, teachers, a counselor, a school-community liaison, and the school’s director. In addition, we work with interns and volunteers from CSU Monterey Bay.

All students can expect to receive individualized attention from our staff, who are trained to foster positive, developmental relationships. They express care, challenge growth, provide support, share power, and expand possibilities (Search Institute, 2014). In addition, students enjoy access to our facility Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. Each student has issued an Android tablet computer and gets one-on-one meeting time with a supervising teacher each week. Students can opt to work with tutors, attend on-site classes, and participate in activities on and off site, such as seminars, social events, and field trips.

College-bound students can take advantage of a full complement of college preparatory courses, including Advanced Placement classes, as well as expert advice on college and financial aid planning. Many students take advantage of the flexibility allowed by independent study to take courses at nearby community colleges.

As needed, we use our partnerships with local agencies to provide access to food, housing, transportation, Internet access, and health care. We provide services to students with disabilities.

In July of 2017, Learning for Life Charter School moved to a new home: Building B of the University of California (UC) Monterey Bay Education, Science, and Technology (MBEST) Center. We searched for a new campus for over a year that would accommodate our increasing enrollment and improve the quality of our learning environment. Our search paid off!

The new facility is located just 2 miles away from our prior campus and provides a much better experience for our students. To name just a few improvements, it is newer, more spacious, and has much better light and energy than our old facility. Our students have access to larger offices, classrooms, and workspaces, as well as a central atrium that serves all the Center’s tenants, and includes restrooms, a kitchen, cafe seating, and an art gallery.