Our students come from near and far, and from all walks of life.

Kenneth Lawrence-Emanuel, Executive Director

Students By Grade

    • 7th & 8th Grade14%
    • 9th & 10th Grade34%
    • 11th & 12th Grade52%

Utilizing Technology

Each student is provided a tablet computer, which is used to log into Edgenuity, the online curriculum we use. Students are also provided with Google accounts, so they have access to digital communication and productivity tools.

  • The logs and work products a student creates each week translate into credits toward graduation.
  • Serve as evidence that s/he is attending school.


It can be difficult to go through school all by yourself. We encourage our students to form friendships and to rely on one another to:

  • Help each other with assignments
  • Boost morale and healthy friendships
  • Experience healthy relationships
  • Create a safe environment for our students

Questions? Reach out to us!

We here at Learning For Life are more than happy to anwser any and all questions you may have, as a parent or as a student. Feel free to send us a message via the contact form below.

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